
The mediation has been practiced since ancient times. Historians mark its appearance in the period of the Phoenician trade. The practices of Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome have brought a meaningful importance to the term “mediation”. The Romans used several names for those involved in this process, such as: medium, interpolator, conciliator, interlocutor, and finally mediator.

In the Middle Ages, in some countries the practice of mediation was prohibited, and in others it could only be done only by the central authorities. In some cultures, the mediator was considered a sacred person, deserving a special respect.

The Mediation Center is a mediation organization created by the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Republic of Moldova and registered by the Ministry of Justice in September 2015, the project being officially launched on 21st of January, 2016.

The Mediation Center was founded with the support of the Center for Effective Dispute Resolution (CEDR), United Kingdom, which assisted the Center at each stage of its incorporation.

The Mediation Center has no legal personality, but is independent in fulfilling its duties, which is organized and operates according to Law no. 393-XIV of 13.05.1999 on the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Republic of Moldova (published in the Monitorul Oficial no.73-77 / 343 of 15.07.1999), the Law no. 137 of 03.07.2015 on mediation (Monitorul Oficial no. 224-233 of 21.08.2015), international acts to which the Republic of Moldova is a party, Charter and Regulations of the Mediation Center. Thus, the Mediation Center is the first incorporated mediation organization based on the new Law no. 137 of 3rd of July, 2015 on mediation.

The Mediation Center uses the platform of 10 branches of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Republic of Moldova for the connection with the business field across the whole country.

The main task of the Mediation Center is to organize and administer the settlement through mediation, under the conditions provided by the Law no. 137 of 03.07.2015 on mediation, litigations, if the parties have concluded a mediation agreement in this respect or the procedure was initiated by either party, on its own initiative, and at the recommendation of the public authorities or of the courts.